Wednesday, June 6, 2007

my soapbox for the day

Help my hospital save the program that trains tomorrow’s pediatric work force - the Children’s Hospitals Graduate Medical Education (CHGME) payment program.

CHGME is the federal program that funds the training of pediatricians, pediatric specialists and pediatric research scientists at our hospital. Since 1999, children’s hospitals around the country have received more than one billion dollars from this program, including more than $24 million for the hospital I work at. Last year, we received more than $6 million for pediatric training in our hospital.

CHGME funding has been repeatedly cut since 2004. It now lags well behind Medicare Graduate Medical Education funding for adult hospitals. Children’s hospitals need $330 million to restore equitable federal GME funding for pediatric training. We need your help today in asking your Senators and Congressmembers to appropriate this full funding.

TAKE ACTION NOW! Please take three minutes of your time to write your two U.S. Senators and your member of the U.S. House of Representatives and urge them to fully fund CHGME.
Type in your home zip code to review a sample letter to send to your Senators and member of the House of Representatives.

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