Wednesday, June 6, 2007

is anybody even reading this?

'cause if you're not, then i'm doing this all in vain.

just got out of another meeting. it's always meeting, meeting, meeting around here. non-stop meetings.

learned something cool though. apparently the doctors here developed this thermal patch that you can put on a kid's hand that can tell the difference between skin temperature and blood temperature so that it highlights vessels. this means less unsuccessful poking when you're trying to start an IV on a very unhappy child. how sweet is that? pretty freaking sweet, i'd say...

tomorrow there is a county-wide disaster drill planned, so i'll let you know how that goes when i get a chance. paz!


whidbey76 said...


whidbey76 said...

Why would you expect people to have read that yet... after a 10 day break you go 2 days in a row... who would expect that :-p

Anonymous said...

i am....but you could always call me and tell me about it.